European Projects:
Experiencing Augmented Reality on Cultural Heritage applications in iVET
Nov. 2018 – August 2021 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2018-1-DE02-KA202-005088
The overall aim of the project was to raise awareness of the importance of protecting, safeguarding, reusing, enhancing, valorizing and promoting Europe’s cultural heritage through education and lifelong learning, in particular among young students.
This lead at building a challenging and creative vocational education training environment which engages both school teachers and students.
In particular, the project aimed at encouraging the modernization of the heritage sector and at supporting the vocational education and training institutions in integrating innovative teaching practices within their programmes for teaching art and cultural heritage.
Furthermore in delivering their curricula through innovative and effective teaching approaches in order to get learners involved and enable them to ensure that Europe’s cultural heritage is safeguarded and enhanced.
In particular, Partners set up an online teacher training programme to experience the Augmented Reality (AR) with emphasis on cultural heritage applications and student will be engaged in cooperating for designing and developing an augmented learning project work.
- raising awareness of the importance of transmitting the value of Europe’s CH within the education sector;
- enhancing the quality of the VET offer through the improved professional capacity of teachers;
- adopting innovative ways to transfer knowledge in education aiming at aligning technologies with learning objectives and support students in attaining 21st century skills such as communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, persistence, collaboration and curiosity.
- Compendium of augmented reality technologies and practices for supporting, enhancing and promoting cultural heritage in iVET;
- Online Teacher Training Programme;
- Augmented learning virtual project work (CultApp Final Publication+AR trigger images).
Online teacher training course – AR4CHE:
Online environment:

Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (FHM) GMBH – University of Applied Science – DE
EFFEBI Association – IT
Paiz Konsulting – PL
Istituto Tecnico per il Turismo “Marco Polo” – IT
NART, National Association of the Resource Teachers – BG
“Niekée/Agora” secondary school – NL
CCS, Crystal Clear Soft (CCS) – EL