European Projects:
European Banking Network for Quality Assurance
Feb.2007 – Mar.2008 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n.2006 – 4053/001- LE2 78CQAF
apply the CQAF-model in the Banking and Financial Services Sector (B.F.S.S.) in Europe by linking the model with current developments and challenges towards improvement of quality training in this sector.
- Develop instruments enabling a better matching between qualification demand and training provision.
- Apply the Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF model) in the FSS training activities, in Europe.
- Overview of good practices concerning, inter alia, methods and tools used to better match training supply and qualification demand by implementing practical projects based on the use of the CQAF in different national settings.
- Mapping and identification of Observatories’ role within the participating countries and some Relay Points, providing qualitative and quantitative data on skills and competencies’ needs in the short, medium and long term.
- Identification of key areas for further cooperation and networking in order to improve the quality and responsiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems to changing demands.
- Propose ten Guidelines to improve the Quality Assurance in the FSS

European Banking & Financial Services Training Association – LU
Fachhochschule fȕr Verwaltung und Rechtspflege FHVR Berlin – DE
Hellenic Bank Association – GR
Romanian Banking Institute – RO
IFB-The Portuguese Bank Training Institute – PT