Progetti Europei:
Quality Assurance in Learning Organisation in the Banking & Financial Sector in Europe
Oct.2007 – Mar.2009 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n.LU/07/LLP-LdV/TOI/156005
improve the quality of training provision in the FSS, integrating the existing benchmarking approach and tool for the Learning Organisation (developed in the Leonardo da Vinci Network ‘LOBSTER’) with Quality Assurance principles and methods.
- To apply the benchmarking approach to the FSS;
- to improve diversity management using a tool based on Learning Organisation and Quality Assurance criteria with piloting in Luxembourg and Slovenia;
- to offer a validated benchmarking approach the FSS so to increase quality of training services;
- to create a European-wide laboratory for innovation as a virtual community of practice;
- to apply the European Common Quality Assurance Framework and management tools to improve Lifelong Learning processes of FSS employees.
- enhanced self-reflection capacity on organisational practices concerning learning, training, diversity management and intercultural management;
- better understanding of quality implications of learning and training provisions at organisational level;
- improve the capacity of individuals to identify learning opportunities and to make the most out of them so to enhance organisational performance.

European Banking & Financial Services Training Association – LU
Fachhochschule fȕr Verwaltung und Rechtspflege FHVR – DE
Scienter – IT
IFB-The Portuguese Bank Training Institute – PT
The Bank Association of Slovenia – SI