European Projects:
Sustainable Financial Literacy
Sep. 2020 – Aug. 2022 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082997
The purpose of the SFINLIT project is to develop sustainable financial literacy skills of young students, introducing financial decision-making not only from an economic perspective but also considering extra-financial aspects (social, environmental and good governance). Sustainable financial literacy is a core life skill for participating in modern society.
The project seeks to boost the financial literacy and make the young people attending the training reflect in order to identify the criteria followed to invest from a sustainability responsible perspective and identify the entities active in this investment process.
In particular, the purpose of the project is to provide a flexible, self-learning, but also customized training model to support the young generation to assist in their financial and investment choices, not only for business but also for personal finance. The importance of personal financial literacy skills is emphasized during different crisis situations, like the ongoing corona pandemic.
- Understand what Socially Responsible Finance is
- Identify financial entities and products from an extra financial perspective
- Show promoters of Socially Responsible Finance and activities developed
- Know the good practices followed by companies worldwide
- Develop content adapted to the needs of the target group (young students)
- Develop a training model addressing the main topic of the financial literacy to boost young students capacity of undertake socially responsible financial choices
- Elaborate training contents and concrete tools and learning materials to the students and teachers, adapted on the needs of the target group and available online, free of charge, translated into all consortium languages
- Compendium of the Good Practices and existing material on sustainable financial literacy
- Training material
- Tools and guidelines for training on Sustainable Financial Literacy for secondary school level programme

Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia UNED – ES
EFFEBI Association – IT
Institut d’Estudis Financers IEF – ES
Agora Roermond – NL
LAUREA University – FI
European Banking & Financial Services Training Association EBTN – BE
Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Thessaly – EL
Cork Institute of Technology – IE