Progetti Europei:
The inclusion of visually impaired persons in the bakery sector
Oct. 2023 – Sept. 2025 | Erasmus+ | KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training | Project n. KA220-VET-7B444631
VipsVIBES wants to create new job opportunities in the bakery sector for Visually Impaired People as VIPs Assistants and at the same time create a new mentor figure in the bakery who works to make the job environment inclusive, both in social aspects, combating discrimination in the workplace, and in architectural aspects, making the bakery accessible. This will create a perfect cycle in which new workers can be absorbed by a labour market prepared to receive them. People with disabilities should in fact have the same opportunities as other European citizens, but these categories of people are still victims of discrimination in both their private and professional lives, which obstacles their independence and a dignified life (Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030). Providing these groups with new opportunities to work in inclusive environments increases their level of independence and quality of life. “The promotion of diversity should take place through a change of mentality within companies: once it is agreed that companies should mirror the society in which they operate, they should build bridges with local authorities, non-profit organisations, expert partners, etc. To develop a way of working based on inclusion” (CSR Europe, Diversity & Inclusion, 2021).
VIPsVIBES wants to promote the integration of VIPs into the world of work and in particular into the bakery sector through a double action: to provide new skills for VIPs to be employed in the world of work as Baker’s Assistants and to create a mentor figure who can make the bakery sector inclusive and able to absorb this new workforce.
- Delivery of a Methodological Handbook to provide the necessary skills for VIPs who want to work in the bakery sector and for employers in the bakery sector to create an inclusive work space (WP2);
- Deliver A Digital Competence Toolkit to provide a guideline to make the bakery inclusive for VIPs (WP3);
- Create a VIPsVIBES Curriculum establishing 2 new figures: VIP Bakery Assistants and the creation of Bakery Mentors.
- WP1: Management;
- WP2: A Methodological Handbook both for VIPs who want to enter the labour market and for companies who want to become inclusive for VIP workers;
- WP3: A Digital Competence Toolkit that contains the tools that can be used to make the bakery inclusive for VIPs;
- WP4: The VIPsVIBES Curriculum: i.e. a training course composed of competence packages (i.e. micro-credentials) and validated by the Open Badges system that is aimed at the creation of VIPs baker’s Assistants and the creation of Bakery Mentors;
- WP5: Dissemination, Exploitation and Sustainability.

- Coordinator:
Asociatia Profesionala Neguvernamentala de Asistenta Sociala, ASSOC – Romania
Effebi – Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane – Italy
NAI4, National Association for Inclusion – Bulgaria
DLearn, European Digital Learning Network – Italy
Emphasys Center, Interactive Solutions – Cyprus
Vasisk, Educational Centre for the Blind – Hungary