Progetti Europei:
European framework for ‘Knowledge Triangle’ in the logistics sector
Sep. 2014 – Aug.2017 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnerships | 2016-1-IT02-KA203-024565
Enhancing the implementation on the Knowledge Triangle among higher education, research and business in the specific sector of logistics and e supply chain management, to contribute to the development of innovative academic programmes and professional qualifications more relevant for the labor market in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies required by companies.
The qualifications, designed according to the Lifelong Learning European principles and criteria will contribute, moreover, to the students’ employability and professional mobility within Europe.
- Fostering the quality of Higher Education in contributing to the labour markets and the economic development;
- Supporting the development of academic offers more in line with the qualification requirements of companies and professional qualification systems, and, thus, the employability opportunities for students;
- Enhancing transparency and mutual trust mechanisms for the recognition of the professional qualifications to contribute to the professional mobility.
- Compendium of good practices in the field of ‘Knowledge Triangle’ approach in Higher Education Institutions;
- The FRAMELOG – European Framework for ‘Knowledge Triangle’ in Higher Education Institutions in logistics sector: guidelines and tools for supporting the implementation and the assessment of the Knowledge Triangle in the Logistics & Supply Chain Management sector;
- Manual for Assessment and Quality Assurance: to support Higher Education Institutions in addressing some specific challenges regarding the application of Quality Assurance and Assessment procedures within the FRAMELOG;
- European Validation Report regarding the FRAMELOG and the Manual for Assessment and Quality Assurance.

- Applicant:
UNIPI – Università degli Studi di Pisa – IT - Partners:
Effebi – Finance & Banking Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane – ITAILOG – Associazione Italiana di Logistica e di Supply Chain Management – IT
ELA – Associazione europea della Logistica – BE
UNWE – Università degli Studi Economici di Sofia – BG
BLA – Associazione Bulgara di Logistica – BG
UTBv – Università della Transilvania – RO