Progetti Europei:
Adapted VET guidance for Newly Arrived Immigrants (NAI)
Jan. 2022 – Jul. 2024 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2021-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000033215
The European Union labour market has many sectors where employers are not able to fill vacancies, while, at the same time, in numerous Member States unemployment rates are still high, especially among Newly Arrived Immigrants (NAI) and refugees.
The aim of VETforNAI is to facilitate and foster early and effective integration of migrants and refugees into the labour market, through vocational/labour market guidance, while, at the same time, fill in the gaps of employment in parts of the labour market. In particular, this project aims to enhance the knowledge of the host country language and build a network of employers engaged in guidance activities in order to diminish vulnerability and social exclusion in difficult economic times.
- Support NAI/refugees to easier transition into the labour market through VET guidance and training programmes;
- Promote integration in the labour market, that will allow to have more stable living conditions and promote integration into society;
- Use NAI unused skills to fill employment gaps in different sectors by matching their competences;
- Reduce problems of migrant underemployment and social exclusion;
- Strengthen communication and cooperation between employers and socioeconomic partners.
- WP1: Mapping needs of Stakeholders to provide vocational/labour market guidance;
- WP2: Development of vocational/labour market guidance Toolkit;
- WP3: Training curriculum for guidance (staff);
- WP4: Validating the Toolkit and training materials (piloting phase).

- Coordinator:
Trimtab AB – Sweden - Partners:
Dimitra – Greece
Français pour l’Insertion Sociale et Professionelle en Europe (FISPE) – France
Finance& Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane (Effebi) – Italy