Progetti Europei:
E&E Fashion
Education – Employment Partnership for VET in the fashion sector
2016-2018 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Startegic Parterships | n. 2016-1-RO01-KA202-024710
- Need for higher quality of VET offer, that would lead to professional qualifications more relevant for the labour market and thus, to higher employability.
- Stronger and more professional collaborations between VET providers and enterprises as part of the learning process.
- Increase the level of interest among enterprises and VET Providers to adopt work based learning method as a learning tool.
- Equip VET Providers, teachers and in-company trainers with the right skills and competences for enhancing and better valorizing the application of work based learning.
The project aims at developing a European teaching and training Toolkit for practically supporting the implementation of work based learning in all stages of VET.
Moreover, the project will support the implementation of quality assurance mechanisms in VET in the fashion sector with a specific focus on feedback loops between iVET and cVET systems.
- Overview on existing practices and needs in the field of Quality Assurance and WBL implementation in VET in the Partner countries in the fashion sector;
- WBL Toolkit for supporting the concrete implementation of WBL programmes in VET;
- Quality Assurance guidelines and tools;
- Learning programs for VET teachers and in-company trainers (tutors, mentors, coachers in the field on WBL in VET programmes), taking into consideration also the EQAVET recommendations .

- Applicant:
Istituto Tecnico Professionale ‘I.C.Stefanescu’- RO - Partners:
EFFEBI Finance & Banking Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane – ITUniversità ‘Gheorghe Asachi’- ROKatty Fashion – ROEUROCREA MERCHANT S.r.l. – IT
CONFAPI Confederazione Italiana della Piccola e Media Industria Privata – IT
Revalento Consulting – NL
Camera di Commercio RUSE – BG
Istituto di Formazione Professionale nel settore della moda “Nedka Ivan Lazarova”- BG