European Projects:
Innovative teacher training on social entrepreneurship
Sept. 2018 – Aug. 2021 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048047
The project is aimed at supporting the initial and continuous professional development of teachers’ profiles in accordance with the European lifelong learning approach through the application of practical and innovative instruments and tools in order to promote social entrepreneurship education.
- Strengthen the profile(s) of the teaching professions and help them acquire a better and in-depth knowledge and become more active in the Social Entrepreneurship sector;
- Disseminate understanding and promotion of social entrepreneurship competence in Europe;
- Create transversal and European networks and infrastructures for the promotion of social entrepreneurship education;
- Enforce the ‘social’ structure of the European economy, shedding lights on its benefits and added values at social, cultural and economic level;
- Develop a conducive ecosystem that helps social enterprises to start, evolve and develop and are equipped with a proper social entrepreneurial spirit (rather than grant-oriented).
- Social entrepreneurship competences
- Training programme for teachers
- ToolKit on social entrepreneurship
- Online learning platform

- Applicant:
I.T.T. ‘C. Colombo’ – IT - Partners:
Associazione Effebi – ITDIMITRA Education & Consulting – EL
Science For You (SCiFY) – EL
Hellenic Management Association (HMA) – EL
Emphasys Centre – CY
National College ‘Gh. Lazar’ – RO
Incubator Leeuwarden – NL