European Projects:
FIRST – Financial Services EQF – European Quality Assurance Framework Translators in EU
2010-2012 |Transversal Programme | 167148-LLP-1-2009-1-LU-KA1-KA1EQF
Priority/purpose: to interpret the EQF for the Financial Services Sector. FIRST will bring a tailor-made version of EQF descriptors to better capture the work environment of FSS and ease the allocation of EQF levels to FSS competence based qualifications.
- To provide examples of qualification model as a reference point for the application of EQF levels in the European FSS.
- To translate the EQF levels descriptors into a common used language easy to be applied in the FSS (Translators).
- Creating a tailor made EQF version for the FSS.
- Enhancing transparency, recognition of professional qualifications and certificates in FSS.
- Fostering the mobility of professionals in FSS by defining practical and meaningful EQF Translators.
- Turning the EQF and the level descriptors into a familiar and user friendly reference framework for the community.

- Coordinator:
EBTN – European Banking & Financial Services Training Association – LU - Partners:
Warsaw Institute of Banking – PLScienter – IT
Romanian Banking Institute – RO
IFB-The Portuguese Bank Training Institute – PT
The Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland – UK
IFS- Institute of Financial Services Malta – MT
Malta’s National Qualification Framework – MT
BSEL- Berlin School of Economics & Law – DE