Progetti Europei:
Intergenerational Learning Project Over 55
Sep. 2014 – Aug. 2017 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partership | Project n.7D0E348289012CDA
To create an Intergenerational Learning Partnership that will support the employability and will reduce the skills mismatch of the over 55 employees from the Financial Services Sector (FSS), and also new/existing employees.
- Analyse education & training and work experiences;
- Assess individual competencies (knowledge, skills and competencies);
- Identify personal and professional objectives (e.g. Professional Consultant);
- Support over 55 individuals in planning their future career/work experiences; give advice regarding the existing opportunities for validation of competencies and recognition of prior learning;
- Provide support for further education and training of the over 55 individuals (based on the training needs identified in relation the personal and professional career development objectives).
- Dissemination in the Partner countries (Malta, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and Romania). At the beginning of the project Partners agreed on the dissemination and exploitation concrete plan. This include definitions, information and guidelines about the main key project result will be made available to the public through the project website and also using Partners’ websites and communications channels (Magazines, Newsletters, learning ICT eco-systems);
- Reference Framework, the two Qualifications, the description of course curricula, assessment procedure and training programmes will be included in the Final Project Publication that will be distributed through ICT channels to the most relevant national and European stakeholders;
- At the end of the project, the partners will sign a ILPO55 Common Declaration whereby they will declare their support and determination to implement the ILPO55 Reference Framework in their activities regarding age management and intergenerational cooperation in the FSS.

- Applicant:
Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology – MT - Partners:
Associazione EFFEBI – ITInstitute of Banking Education NBS – SK
IFS Malta – MT
Malta Union of Bank Employees – MT
Mediterranean Bank Network – MT
Università Telematica Internazionale-Uninettuno – MT – EL
ANUP International – RO