European Projects:
Innovation and Social Learning in HEI
2014 – 2016 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n.B3013154D49A152A
The project aims to define some guidelines to promote the equal opportunities and improve the quality on the HEI offers to visual and hearing-impaired persons, thus giving a major step in the implementation of these principles.
- Increase hearing and visually impaired individuals’ professionality and employability;
- Promote inclusive and innovative ICT based learning offer within HEIs;
- Support the valorization and enhancing of skills and competences.
- ISOLearn Handbook, manual for ICT based learning offer within HEIs to visually and hearing impaired students
- ISOLearn Quality Label for education programmes in line with EQAVET principles;
- ISOLearn Guidelines to implement and monitor the ISOLearn Quality Label;
- Professional Qualification of “Export Facilitator” National Pilotings of ISOLearn Expert Facilitator Qualification.

UA, Universidade Aberta – PT
EFFEBI Association – IT
ACAPO Association – PT
APS Association – PT
UNINETTUNO, Università Telematica Internazionale – IT
Folkuniversitetet Uppsala – SE
Lubiana University – SK
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – PT