Progetti Europei:
Linear turns circular – fostering SMEs circular economy transition
Nov. 2021 – May 2024 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000034893
All the efforts made by EU countries for sustainability during the last decade have not reached expected goals in terms of waste reduction. The solution considered more effective nowadays is to encourage organisations and consumers to implement Circular Economy (CE)
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent 99% of all enterprises in the EU and they contribute to more than 50% of the EU’s business value added. SMEs are a significant field in which CE approaches should be firmly anchored. Nevertheless, studies have shown the lack of internal technical skills as an obstacle to the effective implementation of circular economy principles within such entities.
In this scenario, the project will concentrate its efforts on delivering important green skills to SME Managers. The idea is to encourage sustainable design, production and waste management approaches within Small and Medium Enterprises on the heels of the Green transition launched and encouraged by the European Union. L2C Project will reach such scope through Vocational Education and Training, as a means to increase professionals’ knowledge, competences and skills in order to meet the labour market emerging needs.
- To encourage SME leaders to develop CE Policies and Implementation Action Plans for their organizations and to set examples for other SMEs
- To develop SMEs’ leaders competencies necessary for successful transition to CE and encourage their development as sustainability change agents
- To equip VET providers with ready-made learning structures and tools to support the adaptation of their training offers to SME leaders and staff skills needs in the area of sustainable development.
- Storytelling – Collection of circular economy success stories from SME
- Linear Turns Circular- Do It Yourself (DIY) Policies Portfolio and Action Plans
- Short Learning Program – Learning and transferring process into own business model
Training course:

- Lead Partner:
Fachhochschu Le Des Mittelstandes (Fhm) Gmbh – University Of Applied Science – DE
- Partners:
PAIZ Konsulting Sp.z o.o. – PLEnergie Impuls OWL e.V. – DE
Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane – IT