Progetti Europei:
Quality Assurance in the Financial Services Sector VET System
Nov.2013 – Oct.2015 | Erasmus + | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n.067E3AB7839CAA58
To raise awareness and promote the implementation of the EQARF within the FSS, mainly in the Partner countries.
- Update the Eurobanqua 10 Guidelines developed in relation to the CQARF, in view of the adaptation to the EQARF and for improving the Quality of Training Provision in the Financial Services Sector in the ‘receiving’ Partner countries;
- Develop a Methodology and Road Map for concretely transferring the Guidelines in the national sectoral frameworks by defining the concrete activities and milestones;
- Transfer the Guidelines in the four VET systems: Italy, Portugal, Spain and Slovakia, and analyse the efficiency and the impact of this transfer for the sectoral frameworks;
- Provide practical Recommendations for supporting the further implementation of the transferred Guidelines in other EU countries and sectors.
- Practical Quality Assurance Guidelines in line with the EQARF.
- Validated transfer of the EQAVET Guidelines in 4 EU countries: IT, PT, ES & SK.
- Recommendations for further implementation of the Guidelines in other EU countries & sectors.
- QUALES website (in English and main sections in Partner national languages)

- Applicant:
Università Roma Tre – IT - Partners:
Effebi Association – ITNIBE-SVV – NLIFB-The Portuguese Bank Training Institute – PT
Institut d’Estudis Financers – ES
IBE-Institute of Banking Education of the National Bank of Slovakia – SK
UBI Academy – IT
Banca Popolare di Vicenza – IT