European Projects:
Transparent qualifications for boosting the quality of services addressed to asylum seekers and refugees
Sept. 2016 – Aug. 2019 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005593
The project aims at enhancing the transparency and recognition of ASRs (Asylum Seekers and Refugees) operators’ qualifications in order to facilitate employability and labour mobility, and to improve the quality of services addressed to asylum seekers and refugees.
In particular, the project proposes the development of a practical Toolkit and related Guidelines for facilitating the transparency, validation and recognition of the skills, competences and qualifications of people working in reception and accommodation centers.
In addition, for reaching the ultimate aim of the project, Partners will also design the qualification prototype for the most relevant skills and competences needed in reception Centers.
- Enhance the transparency, validation and recognition of the skills, competences and qualifications of individuals working with asylum seekers and refugees through the development of a practical Toolkit;
- Promote innovative solutions for the recognition and validation of skills acquired through informal learning, non-formal, digital and open;
- Improve the employability and mobility of operators working in reception centers for asylum seekers and refugees.
- Comprehensive and comparative report on the work processes implemented in the Centres hosting asylum seekers and refugees;
- Definition of 3 professional qualifications prototypes for the most relevant and necessary skills and competences, required by reception centers;
- Design of practical Toolkit for facilitating the validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning;
- European validation report of the Toolkit and qualification prototypes.

Università degli Studi di Roma Torvergata – IT
EFFEBI Association – IT
CITTALIA, Centro Europeo di Studi e Ricerche per i Comuni e le Città – Fondazione di Ricerche dell’Anci – IT
DIMITRA, Dimitra education & consulting s.a. – EL
Folkuniversitetet Uppsala – SE