Progetti Europei:
Education for sustainable fashion
Nov. 2021 – Nov. 2023 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000033001
The fashion & textile industry is the second largest polluter in the world. The changes proposed by the new EU Textiles Directive, to be enforced in 2022, are drastic and many businesses will be affected due to the lack of specialized education and preparation. Especially in the small and medium size enterprises (SMEs), companies will have to train their employees on sustainable fashion and textiles with specialized trainings that often require high costs.
In this scenario, Re-Fashion Project aims at helping SMEs and consumers to cope with the expected legal and market challenges in the fashion and textiles industry, by increasing their capacity and knowledge through awareness and education, also impacting on both sides of the textile sector: manufacture and consumption. Re-fashion wants to: fill a gap in the VET education dealing with sustainability knowledge and competences within the fashion and textiles sector, develop green sectorial skills and prepare learners, companies’ staff and consumers to become agents of change, by encouraging more responsible behaviours and more sustainable production and consumption patterns.
- To develop a new VET educational programme and create work-based learning opportunities in line with the need for green skills and digital transition, expected in the fashion and textile industry;
- To increase cooperation between educational institutions and businesses aimed at promoting work-based learning in all its forms and supporting VET learners in acquiring and developing skills and key competences to adopt more sustainable behaviors in the fashion and textile industry, fostering employability in the sector;
- To introduce open education and innovative digital practices, making education and training available for all and facilitating new and innovative learning methods, by developing the Re-Fashion online program and a new learning source, the Re-Fashion Guide that will enable behavioral changes for individual preferences, will contribute to change consumption habits, and lifestyles.
- ReFashion Expert Educational Program
- ReFashion Online Course
- ReFashion Course Testing
- ReFashion Consumer Guide

Lead Partner:
Asociatia Centrul National pentru Productie si Consum Durabile – RO
Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja – SI
Asociatia centrul de resourse pentru initiative etice si solidare – RO
Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane – IT
Innovation Hive – EL
Katty Fashion Srl – RO