European Projects:
Sustainable Financial Literacy for youth disabled
Nov. 2021 – Nov. 2023 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Cooperation Partnership | Project n. 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000027676
DisFinLit project aims at developing sustainable financial skills for disabled youth, introducing financial decision-making not only from an economic perspective but also considering extra-financial aspects (social, environmental and good governance).
The purpose of the project is to develop a tool with a pedagogically sound approach that helps disabled youth in building sustainable financial know-how, making smart and sustainable financial decisions, understanding money management, dealing with a constantly changing economy, navigating inevitable changes and take charge of their own financial future.
More in particular, DisFinLit aims at developing a compendium of existing educational material and good practices on sustainable financial literacy and at creating a community of good practices to include already existing and new training materials. Through the project implementation disabled youth will be facilitated in their social and labour inclusion and in their independence.
- Respond to the rapidly rising need of high-quality online tools and platforms by developing a tool with a pedagogically sound approach that helps disabled youth
- Develop ways to ensure disabled youth can benefit from high-quality education in an inclusive setting, where special needs are taken into consideration and pupils do not face discrimination arising from disability
- Develop material accessible by everyone to favor learning in sustainable finance education.
- Training curriculum, tailored according to the special needs of disabled young people, about Sustainable Financial Literacy
- Community of good practices to facilitate the sharing of pedagogical content and training material – disabled youth customized – about sustainable financial literacy

Institut d’Estudis Financers, IEF – ES
Eurodimensions – MT
Stichting Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work – NL
Associazione EFFEBI – IT
CONACEE, Confederacion Nacional de Centros Especiales de Empleo – ES