Extract from the Statute
Article 2. AIM
1. Promote and coordinate initiatives related to the management and development of human resources;
2. Conduct research and studies;
3. Carry out training and counseling activities for its Members;
4. Develop collaboration among Associate Members;
5. Analyze new business models for integrated management of human, organizational and technological variables;
6. Promote the deepening of any organizational strategy.
Article 7. Organs
- Members of the Assembly;
- Scientific Committee;
- Board of Directors;
- Executive Board;
- President;
- Secretary-General.
When assigned to members of the Association, all offices and positions are usually free of compensation.
Article 8. Members of the Assembly
The Assembly is sovereign and independent and it is constituted by All Members.
Among the Assembly’s powers we find:
- determine the objectives and the general lines of the Association activities;
- elect the Board of Directors;
- approve the annual financial statement and its accompanying report;
- ratify the appointments of the new Counselors under Article 10, paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Statute;
- deliberate on amendments to this Statute, on the regulations for the appointment of the executive bodies and on the dissolution of the Association, as envisaged by Articles 14 and 16;
Article 9. Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is composed of influential experts from the academic, professional and economic sector; it has advisory and guidance functions on the Association activities.
The President and the members of the Scientific Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors basing on the proposal of the President of the Association, they remain in office for two years and can be reconfirmed.
The President and a Vice President of the Association participate in the meetings.
The meeting of the Scientific Committee, to be held at least once a year, is summoned by its President.
Meetings can be convened and take place remotely.
The General Secretary of the Association participates in the sessions as secretary.
Article 10. Board of Directors
The Association is governed by a Board of Directors, which is composed of (no less than) 11 Members up to (no more than) 25 ones. In order to face special needs, the Board of Directors can also choose, as its Members, individuals belonging to the Ordinary Membership category of the Association; this is true when the BoD has the need to fill up the number of its components to the expected number of 25 units.
- Among the powers of the Board of Directors we find:
- formulate guidelines useful for the definition of the activities’ programs, within the framework of the general guidelines approved by the Assembly;
- elect, at its first meeting, the President of the Association and/or up to three Vice Chairmen, choosing them within the Members of the Association, that will take their position for a period of three years; appoint the Secretary General of the Association; she/he can also be chosen among non-Members;
- appoint the Editorial Director and the members of the magazine’s editorial committee and/or other publications;
- vote on applications for new Members of the Association; the entry will be evaluated on the basis of recognized and relevant requirements regarding business and professionalism;
- determine the amount, conditions and terms of payment of the annual membership fees, adjusting the contribution depending on Memberships’ categories;
- grant the status of Honorary Member;
- appoint President and Members of the Scientific Committee;
- give all appropriate operational powers to the Board;
- constitute ad hoc project groups for the development and/or the realization of relevant initiatives;
- authorize the hiring of employees and the purchase of properties;
- prepare on annual basis a balance sheet or a financial income statement accompanied by a report on operations, in compliance with the legal provisions;
- provide for the cancellation of the resigning or defaulting members (at least two years’ infraction) regarding the payment of the annual membership fee;
- rule regarding Association’s registered office;
- establish instances, terms and vote-by-correspondence procedures.
Article 11. President
The President holds its seat for three years and can be re-elected. In case of obstacle or hindrance, the President can be substituted by a Vice President. The President:
- legally represents the Association;
- presides over the Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board;
- fixes agendas and convenes the shareholders’ meeting, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board;
- oversees the activities of the Association and has the power of signature on the acts;
- attribute responsibilities and the related power of signature to the Secretary General of the Association;
- formulates specific proposals to the Board of Directors relatied to the composition of the Scientific Committee as previously mentioned in Art. 9.
Article 12. Executive Board
The Executive Board is composed by a President, Vice President and a Secretary General of the Association.
For specific needs, the President can integrate the Office by inviting up to four Councilors and / or Members of the Scientific Committee to participate in the meetings.
The Executive Board:
- operates on the basis of the powers conferred by the same Board of Directors, pursuant to Art. 10 paragraph 8, 9;
- decides on applications for membership, then forwarding them to the Executive Council decisions at its first meeting;
- authorizes consultancy, professional collaborations, lease of real estate, purchase, lease or sale of movable property.
Article 13. Secretary General
The Secretary-General, appointed by the Board of Directors on proposal of the President, works on the basis of the proxies received by the President, and it shall implement the decisions of the Association’s organs. She/he holds ordinary and administrative management of the Association and has the right of signature of the relevant acts and correspondence. She/he shall act as Secretary of the Board of Directors functions, the Executive Board and the Scientific Committee. Coordinates the Project’s Groups and is the editor of the membership magazine.