Progetti Europei:
Building Solid Foundations For Entrepreneurship
Jan. 2022 – Jan. 2024 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2021-1-NL01-KA220-SCH-000034348
Worldwide many people lack adequate financial literacy skills and, as extant literature indicates, financial crisis is a result of poor financial decisions and management. For these reasons, education has been indicated as a solution in building tomorrow’s entrepreneurship skills among youngsters and adults. During COVID-19 pandemic, schools fell back on their standard curriculum hence non-academic subjects such as basic entrepreneurship skills were kept on the back-burner. Although some countries have introduced financial education into the curriculum, the degree to which students are actually exposed to this element of entrepreneurship strongly differs.
The innovativeness of BUILDENT lies in providing schools with a useful toolkit, capable to support their learning through the development of basic, but fundamental financial competences that can easily be taught by teachers during their online and offline teaching order to support students to set up their own business
Moreover, BUILDENT aims to improve the quality, supply and accessibility of entrepreneurship skills among young people and their teachers by providing a low barrier learning programme with a set of key competences vital for business survival and growth in the current economy.
This project will give students a visionary explanation through the promotion of a flexible thinking in a realistic scenario and a way to earn and develop their self-esteem. At the same time, the project will support the young generation (12-15 years old) in its financial and investment choices, and will promote the COVID-19 recovery through the integration of young people in the labour market.
- to develop key competences, by establishing good practices for better support of educational staff in their tasks and improving their education, for updating assessment and validation methods and tools, and for introducing new and innovative forms of teaching and learning needed for personal fulfilment, employability, socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civic and social life;
- to improve both digital and entrepreneurial competences motivating more young people and their teachers;
- to foster the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem, by implementing a new teaching model that offers interactive and dynamic educational resources focused on the entrepreneurship;
- to increase the collaboration between teachers and school staff in order to offer the framework in teaching activities;
- to address the challenge of giving the required tools and offer a computational driven teaching model that gives learners different educational resources;
- to empower young people in acquiring the knowledge and skills to build responsible financial behaviour throughout each stage of their education;
- to make teachers digitally “literate” in order to contribute concretely in their respective fields.
- Methodology, Assessment, Content Development
- Gamification
- Animated video support tools
- Development and piloting of the platform

Stichting Onderwijs Midden Limburg (SOML) -NL
Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Navarro – PT
Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane – IT
Eurodimensions – MT
Kauno Simono Daukanto progimnazija – LT