Enhanced Quality Assurance in the Financial Training

Dec. 2020 – Mar. 2023 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2020-1-SE01-KA202-077844


The project aims to support Vocational Education and Training (VET) Providers, in the Financial Services Sector (FSS), in setting up and enhancing Quality Assurance systems, with a particular focus on feedback loops between VET Systems as a precondition for continuous improvement of training offer. In particular the project will develop an online service for supporting the Quality system, with a particular focus on the ACT phase of the PCDA cycle.

The online service developed by the project will be a customized and user-friendly product that will comprise both updated tools and guidelines developed in previous EU Projects and newly designed ones. It foresees the possibility to identify the VET Provider profile respect to specific quality indicators, it provides a personalized support and a feedback system that allows the improvement of the service itself.


EQAFIT’s objective is providing concrete guidelines and tools for supporting VET providers in improving and/or setting up Quality Assurance systems, in particular in relation with the fourth phase of the PDCA cycle, still considered to be the most challenging and difficult to implement.

Additionally, partners will define a graduate tracking system (method and tools) and a model for collecting and using the feedback received in order to improve the quality of future training programmes. The graduate tracking system will collect quantitative and qualitative data.

As final step, EQAFIT will develop an online service for VET providers that will allow them to firstly conduct a self-assessment in order to better understand their level of compliance with EQAVET. QA Tools and Guidelines (existing and newly developed) and of the Graduate tracking system will be integrated into the online service



  • Quality Assurance Tools and Guidelines;
  • Graduate Tracking System;
  • Online Quality Service.





Folkuniversitetet – SE

EFFEBI Association – IT


EFPA Spain – ES

EUBA (Univ. Econ. of Bratislava) – SK

Colegiul Economic Emanuil Gojdu – RO