European Projects:
Innovation in the Cloud Bridging Universities and Business
2015 – 2017 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2015-1-IT01-KA202-004733
IN-CLOUD project aims to create awareness of the potential benefits of cloud computing among companies, public administration and society in general, enhancing the competitiveness and the efficiency in the private and public sector and training people in a sector with high employability potential.
Moreover, a key objective of the project is to foster a cooperative partnership between University and business sector to support the professional training and qualifications of new cloud computing experts.
- Support the implementation of the European Startegy on Cloud Computing;
- Promote the use of cloud computing within companies, public administrations and Universities;
- Boost the growth and competitiveness of the public and private sector through the cloud computing benefits;
- Develop professional qualifications to train professionals on how to implement and manage cloud computing technologies and services.
- European Needs and Gap Analysis on training needs in cloud computing sector;
- Four professional qualifications for cloud computing sector, designed in line with the European lifelong learning tools (EQF, ECVET ed EQAVET);
- Virtual boot camp (on-line platform) to support organizations in the implementation of the different types of cloud computing within their internal systems.

UNINETTUNO, Università Telematica Internazionale – IT
EFFEBI Association – IT
UNED, Universidad Nacional De Educacion A Distancia – ES
IAT Westfali University, Gelsenkirchen, Bocholt, Recklinhausen – DE
LEO, Lisburn Enterprise Organisation – UK
EVM, Evm Project Management Experts – ES
ANATOLIKI S.A., Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities – EL
MADAN PARQUE, Associacao Parque de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Almada/Setubal – PT